HPCG Performance List announced at ISC 2024

HPCG Performance List announced at ISC 2024

The new HPCG Performance List was announced at the ISC High Performance 2024 conference in Conference Center Hamburg (CCH) Germany. The session entitled Highlights of the 63th TOP500 List including Awarding took place on Monday, May 13, 2024.

The HPCG results are now integrated alongside the TOP500 and Green500 lists. The 21th HPCG Performance List of results contains the complete collection of the submissions. Keep in mind that a few entries might have not made it into the official TOP500 list due to a number of factors such as a low HPL benchmark result or a missed deadline for the TOP500 submission.

This is the twenty first list produced by running the HPCG benchmark, which was designed to complement the traditional High Performance LINPACK (HPL) benchmark used by the TOP500 and Green500 teams as their official metric for ranking world's largest systems. The first HPCG list was announced a decade ago at ISC 2014, and contained only 15 entries. Since then, HPCG list was released bi-annually and the number of entries has steadily increased as the new results became available. The current list contains over 118 entries, as HPCG continues to gain traction in the HPC community.

These 118 systems from the HPCG list are also ranked by TOP500. However, the HPCG ranking continues to provide a significantly different ordering of the machines when compared to the TOP500 ranking. Both Fugaku and Frontier systems continue to open the list with 16 and 14 Pflop/s of achieved performance, respectively.

Summary highlights from the 20th HPCG list include:

  • New result from Aurora took third spot on the list but the submission less than 40% of the machine so a higher result could be expected when the benchmark is re-run on the larger fraction of the machine in the future.
  • New result from the upgraded LUMI that appeared on the previous list was not enough to maintain its third spot on the list.
  • To make it into the exclusive top-10 ranking, requires over 1.6 Pflop/s.

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